Organizational Development
and Training
Our clients are continually seeking new approaches to support and optimize their mission goals and objectives, helping to migrate their agencies from inefficient and outdated traditional practices, and transforming them into higher performing organizations.
CICONIX helps clients achieve their mission objectives by implementing the following:
- Institutionalizing best practices as well as drive efficiencies by managing cost savings through consolidation and alignment of investments to mission goals.
- Providing effective and efficient management and business practices that allows leadership to stay ahead and focused on the key initiatives.
- Improving results in managing stakeholder expectations though a comprehensive, tiered communication training strategy and public affairs campaign.
CICONIX’s Organizational Development capabilities include:

U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General – Virtual Health Initiatives Support Services
CICONIX provides a mix of Technical and Program Management support to the OTSG’s Virtual Health Branch. Our major tasks include strategic planning and oversight, staff coordination, decision support, data analytics, Process modeling and simulation, strategic business planning, change management, and administrative support.

U.S. Army National Guard (ARNG) - Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Services
CICONIX provides CPI Program Management across the ARNG enterprise. Our major tasks include Project Management Support, Strategic Communications Support, Lean Six Sigma and CPI Training Certification Support, Organizational Self-Assessment using Baldrige Excellence Framework, and Business Process Reengineering Support.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) Administrative Support Services
CICONIX provides Administrative Support Services to support the military and civilian workforce for all USAMRICD research divisions and staff including the security, library, budget, facilities, logistics, information technology, and safety offices.

U.S Medical Research and Development command (USAMRDC)
- CICONIX provides administrative analytical support to the Office of the Principal Assistant for Acquisition (OPAA), Office of the Principal Assistant for Research and Technology (OPART), and the office of Plans, Programs, Analysis, and Evaluation (PPAE) at the US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC).
- CICONIX support to the Human Research Protection Program and provides human subjects research and administrative support necessary to manage the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) proposal and protocol records, coordinate submission of required documents from study teams, and manages protocol information.